
Font Check

Please note, that this is not the Cyrillic font that is used for most Russian-language and Cyrillic web sites. It is a special font, used primarily for the Russnet web site. Even though you may be able to read other Russian web sites, you do not necessarily have the Russnet Cyrillic font. Conversely, if you have the Russnet Cyrillic font, it does not necessarily mean you can read other Russian web sites. In order to use the Russnet site, you must have the Russnet fonts.

Hitaem po#russki.

The test sentence does not appear in Cyrillic.
Click here to get the fonts.

I've installed the fonts, but the test sentence still does not appear in Cyrillic.
Click here to troubleshoot.

The test sentence looks good.
Click here to continue.

This project is sponsored in part by the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE), U.S. Department of Education.