HSCAP Language Modules
Funded by the U.S. Department of Education, the High School-to-College Articulation Project (HSCAP) is designed for Russian language learners at the advanced high school level and novice-intermediate college level, as well as heritage learners. The project combines the study of advanced Russian language with several aspects of Russian culture.
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Click the category headers below to view the language modules in each category.
Keyboard Practice
Keyboard Practice gives an intoduction to typing in Russian, and focuses mainly on the phonetic keyboard layout, as it is the easiest for native English speakers to learn quickly.
Legacy Resources
Business Russian
Business Russian is one of the oldest sets of modules on Russnet. They are no longer actively supported, but may be converted in the future to bring them up to date with the other core modules. These modules still require the old Russnet fonts.
Cultural Map of Russia
Cultural Map of Russia is also an older Russnet resource that is no longer actively supported. There is some useful information on various regions of Russia, though the Russian text also requires the old Russnet fonts. This resource will not be revived in it's current form - though the content will likely find it's way into future Russnet modules.